Illustration as a backbone
One of my favorite things to do is illustration and I'm happy for any opportunity to use this skill whenever I can. A few examples for using this skill as a UX designer
Micro rewards
For UX testing, I created a sticker pack that we gave out when testing at the office, people were excited to get a thank you badge, and soon enough there was a UX sticker on many laptops and water bottles.
Adobe XD editorials
I've been illustrating editorial covers for Adobe XD ideas
Hackathons branding and team swag
I'm active on the hackathon planning committee, and I designed and printed office swag items for the event.
2020 Commerce hackathon
2019 Austin x Barcelona Hackathon
2021 Adobe Commerce Hackathon
My work was featured in a few articles
Face mask for BLM
A face mask I designed that is being sold by Adobe via Threadless 
All profit goes to Black lives matter Link to the store
Team logos and mascots
Magento's Documentation Team
Adobe Commerce Team "Catfish"
404 Page for RJmetrics
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